Week 6 Term 4

We hope you are all having a lovely weekend.


There is no swimming for Kakano 8 this week. Back to normal next week.


A reminder that we need to ensure that our children are continuing to sanitise as they enter a building, remind children about coughing/sneezing into their elbow and washing hands after being in the bathroom. 

If your child is unwell with a cough, runny nose or temperature they need to stay at home.  


Sun hats need to be worn when children are outside.  If your child does not have their sunhat they are not allowed to play.  It is also recommended that children have sunblock so they can apply throughout the day.

Library books:

All library books need to be returned this week!  See note below!

What’s Coming up this week …

Monday - Normal School Day

Tuesday - Normal School Day 

Wednesday - Normal School Day

Thursday - Normal School Day 

Friday - Library / school visits / Golden time / sausage sizzle and juicies ($1.50ea) Nalu day!

Enjoy the rest of Sunday.

Mrs Trask 

Ps my phone is back up and running! 

 Library Books - Some children have overdue Library books. 

I always remind them to keep their library books separate from books at home and safe in their library book bags. 

However, we understand books are easy to misplace. Please have a look at home for missing overdue library books that need to be returned.  They are identified by bright yellow St Mary's stickers on the top of the books. 

I will put a slip of paper in the Orange homework reading logs of the specific book titles for each child, as well to help, but these are the names of children who have overdue books: Aion, Athena, Emma, Indi, Leandro, Sophia and Tyler. Thanks. 


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